Post by SBRI suppose the thing that really winds me up is that our host groups all have
good turnovers, and have execs to help them keep the finances straight.
That really is nothing to do with it.
Post by SBRNo bugger ever helps with explorers but I get kids turning up on teh
doorstep with a £40 bill before I have even said hello.
Let's keep it simple. If you start a new Group you have a years grace
and at the end of the year having collected subs you pay AMS. When they
join they pay through out the year and at the end of the year you have
collected the funds to pay (OK some may join part way through the year
etc.) If the transfer the Group should have the funds in the pot ready
to pay, if they transfer they should come with the AMS it should not be
the new sections responsibility to fund them.
Paul Harris